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I am a Writer and Producer
Hi. My name is Tommy Jacket. I'm the creator of Terranova and We Live On A Rock. Aside from being a writer, I am also a music artist. My world and characters revolve around music. From Praimai of Terranova's electronic, heavy, and sometimes pop sound; to Kyobai and Tau of We Live On A Rock's Hip Hop/Lofi rapping. There's a little something for everyone to enjoy . Whether it be the characters, the story, or the music, I hope you enjoy your time inside my worldTerranova art by @Jarudacookie (Twitter)We Live On A Rock art by @ettinger_acova (Twitter)
Skills and Interests: instruments music production
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I am a young adult, Christian, content creator on YouTube looking to express and develop my talents as an artist, musician, voice actor, and writer. As an artist I primarily do character art but environments are also something I find I do quite well, self taught but my mother was an art major in college so she helped with my development quite so. As a musician I own a clarinet, a incan flute, a tongue drum, an ocarina, a saxophone, a kalimba, a Lyre and bongos, I play by ear and can't read sheet music currently but I can learn a song faster if I just listen to it anywho. As a voice actor I haven't had much traction but I've been practicing voices for over 15 years. As a writer I'm actually working on many books and working on my very own game/story for the game along with many other things related to my game. These skills and talents have been being worked on for 10 or more years so I...
Hello I'm the director PROJECT EVO and we work on a Cyberpunk Dystopian. I mostly made this as we are shirt staffed and are in need to behind the scenes workers. If you have questions message me and I'll respond  when I can!
I am a Voice Actor, Director, and Producer
Speaks: english
Search all 2876 producer instruments profiles