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Breathing life into scripts with a vibrant and relatable young voice
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Step into the realm of sound and expression with me, Jennifer Kiffe, an aspiring voice actor fueled by 15 years of experience as a software engineer. Trading lines of code for lines of dialogue, I’ve embarked on a thrilling journey to channel my passion for storytelling through the captivating medium of voice.
Having spent over a decade and a half in the dynamic world of software engineering, I bring a unique blend of technical acumen and creative flair to my voice acting pursuits. The transition from debugging algorithms to breathing life into characters has been a remarkable shift, one that highlights my commitment to exploring the diverse and limitless possibilities of vocal artistry.
My background in game development and software design equips me with a multifaceted skill set, allowing me to approach voice acting with precision and creativity. Whether I’m infusing personalit...
Speaks: english
I am an aspiring voice actress interested in film, animation, and video game production.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Music Composer, and Audio Engineer
Speaks: english
Search all 1666 artist software engineer profiles