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From Original Characters To Impersonations~ Nice to meet ya!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Music Composer
Hello! I'm Ueichi, I'm a graphic designer, Character Illustrator and voice actor!I started off by doing voice impersonations of some video game characters!
Seeking to branch out and do some more voices in that area as well asĀ 
You might have come across me doing a Widowmaker, Mercy, "Sexy Roadhog", or Viper's voice on TikTok, Twitch or youtube for a few videos lol.
"Emissary from Hell!"
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Yo! I'm Spidey!
I'm an artist, animator (somewhat), composer, writer, and voice actor!I'm currently working on an Untitled Tokusatsu Project
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello!! Welcome to my profile!
My name is Tiffany, you may call me such or by my nickname Rune! Iā€™m a 24 year old woman who currently lives with her FiancĆ©Ā ( who is also looking to get into voice acting!)Ā 
Iā€™m an artist and an inspiring Voice Actress! Iā€™ve always wanted to put my voice out there and have it be heard! I also sing, but thatā€™s mostly for fun.
Iā€™m currently aĀ graphic designer, and have a BA in Design. I draw mostly for hobby, but hope someday to work on a comic or my own desires in the art world!Ā 
I work on Audacity, and use a Yeti Studio Microphone- with noise cancelling properties. Iā€™m still playing with it however and I am learning new things everyday!
Speaks: english
I am a Artist and Animator
Hello I'm Emily! currently I am studying as a 3rd-year animation student at RMIT Melbourne! at the moment my big project is my grad film.
Voice Description: female young adult
An amalgamation of many creative creation based talents and experiences.Ā 
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
STRENGTHS: Brainstorming project conceptsMarketing conceptsCharacter concepts Creative writer Ā Interior designAmateur Game tester (I own a HP i3 intel core laptop and a Huion pen tablet)Ā 
EXPERIENCES:Ā Drawing 1 and 2Ā Painting 1 and 2Ā Graphic DesignĀ  Video EditingĀ Fashion and Sewing
I was awarded medals and ribbons for the Wisconsin Visual Arts Classic Competition and a medal for the Wisconsin State Art Conference when I was a senior in high school. (though these awards are under my deadname)
Speaks: english
(she/her) canadian voice actress |
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Live Actor
Twitter | Instagram | TikTok |Ā Website
Hi there! Welcome to my CCC page.
My name is Brittnie Finlay-Hayes. I'm a Canadian actor and animation student located in the chilly province of Alberta. My eyes are always open and searching for fun opportunities. I'm looking forward to working with you in the future!Ā 
Much love,Ā Brittnie
To see my resume or learn more about what equipment I use to help bring characters to life, please visit my website: brittniefinlayhayes.comĀ 
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, and Director
Voice Description: male adult
A Swedish guy who knows 3D modelling and also has a clear, good voice!
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
Hi there! I'm Tomas, a Swede who now resides in Poland with my wife and our five cats!

I'm in search of a new job as a 3D modeller and while looking for work (and fixing my portfolio), I'm here on CCC to provide my services - both in 3D modelling and being a native Swede! My former colleagues and employers at my previous work would say that I'm an incredibly friendly and kind guy, and my former 3D modelling mentor at CG Spectrum would describe me and diligent, curious and hard-working!

Having recorded a lot of podcasts and also showing up in Swedish TV, where the sound technician on the set absolutely loved my voice, I'm very confident about talking - both to others and also to a camera or microphone!

Don't be a stranger - lemme know if there's anything that you think I can help you out with and we'll take it from there!
Accents: swedish
Voice Description: male adult Swedish
Skills and Interests: 3d modeling voice over
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Writer
Hi, I'm Milo Pettit, a recent graduate of Laguna College of Art & Design, or LCAD. I graduated in spring of 2023 with a Bachelor's degree in Experimental Animation. Currently, I am open to many different opportunities, including storyboarding, character design, animation, and scripting.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: androgynous
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
Voice Description: male young adult
Skills and Interests: 3d artist
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Live Actor
Iā€™m Orberi! Iā€™ve always been into more artistic hobbies like video editing, drawing, and some VERY minor animations.Iā€™ve mostly done video editing for my friends personal channel, and I have even drawn and created Live2D and VRoid Vtubers for my friends as well. Voice acting is definitely one of the things Iā€™ve always been interested in, but have been too scared to try. Just gotta keep practicing! Iā€™ve actually been in background acting roles for a few smaller projects as well.I donā€™t have any social media at the moment, but I plan on it (maybe).
Speaks: english
3D Environmental Artist
I am a Artist
Trying to do some freelance work with the 1.5 years of experience I have garnered through art school. Just starting to get my name out there.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: 3d modeling photoshop Texturing
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