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Meggie Anderson
Bring on the panda-monium!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Music Composer
Meggie is free-spirited, clumsy, and unable to follow rules or regulations. Nevertheless, she has a warm heart and wants nothing more than to live by her own rules and keep her friends happy, while keeping true to herself. She is outspoken and clever, and can find any way possible to get her point across and make a change. She never backs down from her principles because doing the right thing is very important to her. When in a difficult situation, she uses her resourceful thinking to get herself out. Although she's a little clumsy, she is quick on her feet. All she wants is to see her loved ones safe and happy, while being accepted for who she is. On top of being absolutely selfless and skilled, she never lets things go to her head. She also has a great sense of humor.
We work hard and hope your willing to join!
I am a Director and Producer
The Oracles is an indie fantasy animation. We are a dedicated team that has been working for about over a year (Since August 2022) and we have decided to step it up and expand our team. We would love it if you could join us in this journey to making something entertaining and diverse for those who grew up in the our generation. 
Our animation style is a mashup of chibi and cartoon, whch weve worked to perfect for months and hope to continue doing so. 
Search all 3332 agent music composer profiles