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Hello there! I am a Voice actor and Script Writer. Contact my discord for more! {•Autumn Rose•#5048}
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
✎ Hello there! I am Autumn Rose, a semi-professional Script Writer and Voice Actor. ✎ I have been Voice Acting for 2 years, And script writing for around 4. My hobbies include: Project managing, collecting figurines and manga, rambling about characters and writing.
✎ MY VA SKILLS ✎ Pitches: High to Medium-lowAccents: British Accent, very bad southern AmericanMost of my range is Child to Young Adult, female.✎ ABOUT ME ✎ I am a teen who lives in Britain. I am very avid in the gacha and anime community inclusive of games like the Hatsune Miku collection. My aspirations are simple and to me my online life is very creatively based and project-lead. I have been voice acting since May 10th 2020, via small projects on Youtube. ✎ HOW CAN I HELP? ✎ I can assist with a variety of things such as: Co-directing projects, logo making, Voice Acting, Script writing (PAID ONLY), And character brains...
Speaks: english
I eat pie that's called Nothing lol.  
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
ALISS'S RESUME.^more information & production credits.
If you wish for me to voice act for me, please check pricing for the form below. (This includes non-paid roles as well.)
Aliss (Former name is Still [Still_ThinkingU-U)Voice Actor, Violinist, and more.
Contact Info:Casting Call Club: [You're Here.] Please PM/DM me for my email.Discord: Still_Oi [Formerly Still_Oi#4339]

<3 Please contact me for serious inquiries. <3 (I mean if you want to be friends, then okay! :> ) 
Facts About Me:Likes; Ice creams, books, writing, making music, sweets, travelling. Dislikes: discrimination, hateful content.Age: Currently in high school. Gender: Female (she/her)Accent: Korean American/North American.         My Activity:From fall to summer (Sept-June) I have busy schedules but I can make time if it is manageable, and from July-August I have enough time to answer you ...
Jan Theurich
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Jan Theurich, BA. – Produzent und RegisseurJan Theurich, geboren am 14.08.1995 in Velbert, Nordrhein-Westfalen, ist ein deutscher Synchronregisseur und Filmproduzent.Im Jahr 2020 erlangte er den akademischen Grad des Bachelor of Arts an der Fachhochschule Dortmund. Dort studierte er Film mit den Schwerpunkten Regie und Produktion. Mit seiner wissenschaftlichen Thesis über Qualitätsmerkmale in der Synchronregie verfasste er eine der ersten kunstwissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen zu diesem Thema und wurde mit der Prüfungsnote 1,0 ausgezeichnet.Im Hauptberuf arbeitete er für Werbeagenturen, Produktionsfirmen und Fernsehsender und koordiniert heute internationale Videoproduktionen als Leitender Videoredakteur.Seit 2017 engagiert er sich in der Nachwuchsförderung und betreut angehende Schauspieler:innen im Rahmen der Produktion seiner Herzensprojekte wie Trust me, I‘m a Dungeoneer.
I am an autistic and artistic creator and voice actress!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I begin acting when I was 7. I’m a teen now and I still love it! I was also inspired by cartoons to voice act as well. I am also a creator and love to write scripts.
Even though I’m a female, I can do voices for BOTH genders, all ages, and almost all types of voices.
Happy to be here!
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