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Write with Positivity: Every Misstep Becomes a Lesson. An Aspiring Writer among other things working hard to achieve my goals!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Writer
Fueling my growth as a writer, I cultivate an optimistic outlook, constantly learning from my missteps and the experiences of others.
Voice Description: female teen
I've been spitting all over microphones for over 6 years, and have been mixing and engineering audio for just as many. I like to explore my range, and I still haven't found the end of it. Let's have some good fun together
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
I'm passionate about Voicework, Mixing and engineering audio, sound designing and so much more. I'm looking to put the skills I've developed in all those areas over the years to good by applying them to all of your amazing projects! 
Cheers, and happy creating!
Voice Description: male adult male teen
Exhausted STEM student pitching in a voice
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Animator
Animator, sculptor, artist, puppeteer, and frog keeper. Doing some fun stuff on the side of being a STEM student.
17 years in healthcare and a global pandemic and I finally get to do my dream job!  I’m proof it’s never too late.  Follow me here and on my socials let’s make something amazing!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi there! My name is Jess and I’m a voice actor! I have loved telling stories since I could string together a sentence and have been an avid theater nerd since the 5th grade. Unlike many others, I didn’t actually get the chance to live this amazing dream until after 17 grueling years in healthcare and a global pandemic- often being accused of being “the weird one” at work (a badge I was happy to wear!) I am really looking forward to joining some amazing projects AND getting to know some fellow weird-asses as we journey through this crazy thing called life. Give me a follow and check out my website at for more of my work and other crazy shinanigans. I have had the privilege to work on a bunch of audiobooks, clients like Genesis, Blue Cross, eBay Motors, the city of Memphis, and BoysTown, to name a few, and a full length animation that will be released (hopefully) at th...
Speaks: english
Ask for pronouns | Hiya! Hope I'm of some help to ya :3
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
EN:Hello there! My name's Hade, and I'm just starting to put my toe in the VA water. I've been doing non-professional choir for ~5 years now, and I wanted to apply some of my vocal knowledge to something I've always aspired to do: voice acting. Hopefully, I can be a great part of your team.

When you work with me, you can expect:A passionate crewmateA flexible schedulePerhaps, a new friendA favorite quote:“Equations are the devil's sentences.” -Stephen Colbert~~ES:¡Hola! Mi nombre es Hade y recién estoy empezando a meter el dedo del pie en el agua de VA. He estado haciendo coros no profesionales durante aproximadamente 5 años y quería aplicar algunos de mis conocimientos vocales a algo que siempre he aspirado a hacer: actuar con voz. Ojalá pueda ser una gran parte de su equipo.Cuando trabajas conmigo, puedes esperar:Un compañero dedicadoUn horario flexibleTal vez, un nuevo amig...
Skills and Interests: adobe photoshop
Search all 7272 voice actor sculpting profiles