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Your lovely everyday small voice actor, haha~ || I talk to walls. || ♪~ Minor
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
// About Me \\
Name: Dayss
Nickname(s): ve
Age: 13+
Gender: Female (she/her)
Timezone: PST

I'm Dayss! An Asian American aspiring voice actress! I mainly do medium ranged characters but I'm opened to all types of characters! I've always wanted to make characters come life ever since I was little. I'm quite shy in real life and even though I’ve participated in many theaters, stage fright is still my worst enemy. That’s where voice acting came in handy. If I'm being honest, confidence is not my specialty, so voice acting has helped me a lot! 
My voice range is horrible but I'm still going! haha~ I'm still working on my range and emotions but feel free to look through my auditions!
Check out: VA Work

//Voice Acting \\
Voice Pitch: Soprano - Med
VA Experience: 2 year+
Stage Experience: Over 3 years
Offers?: Check out pricing!

Hydrate or Die-drate
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
°~~~°Hello there! I'm Freakshow, you may call me: Freak FS, or Show, my goal here is to try to voice act for the fun of it as well as balancing things outside my VA self, if you need a gal who is within the middle to low range voice, I'll try my best! I like challenges so at times I'll try to do the middle to high range voices!°~~other info~~°Otherwise from Voice Acting at CCC I do go to school! I play Clarinet in Band and wish to play other instruments like the Cello, and Bas in Orchestra, or Basson, I like to sing and make that a part of here! I am also bilingual, so if you need a spanish speaker you may let me know!!°~~Contacting~~°-I have Discord (Mythical#1549, Mythical_0.11.0/Freakshow)-CCC (you're here!!)°~~°I hope this shows you a bit of who I am and why I'm here!I love you, you're amazing and I hope you know it too!Thank you for taking the time off your day to read this, bye!...
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
A Jamaican-Canadian voice actor who is more than ready to take the next step in her journey!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: child female teen
Seeking Voice Acting positing!!! 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
I am 21 years old and gender-fluid! I am deeply empathetic, use humor to cope, and love helping others. By day, a barista and by night, an adhd/manic-depressed being actively healing from PTSD and taking it out on the arts. I am a singer (writing my own and doing covers) and an artist. I also play several instruments. It is a passion of mine to create whether it is drawing or singing. I use both as my main coping skill. My vocal range is ✨Side note: I am an aspiring neuropsychologist. I seek to understand the brain and it’s behavior to better care for my own mental health and others. It is one of my passions.  
Speaks: english
Search all 7385 singer clarinet profiles