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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hi there! My name is Miguel "Miggy Sawdust" Lackups and I'm interested in getting into voice acting and voice over work. I'm starting out with my friends doing a few podfics and some smaller projects. 
If you're interested in me and my work - or if you think I'd be great for your project - please feel free to reach out to me!
Speaks: english
Hootin' / Hollerin'
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hi, All! You can call me ALLEVEIATE (she/her)!
I will give each recording my 110% effort and absolutely can’t wait to work with you. 😄

- 17 years of Acting Experience  (8 years of conservatory training, BFA in Acting degree)
- 14 years of Singing Experience (Mezzo-Soprano/Alto)
- Standard American Accent
- Voice-acting range approx. 16-30 years old 
- I’ve been described as having a “soothing, motherly voice," as well as a "teen boy straight-from-the-shonen voice," which naturally sits in a mid to low female range. I have often been asked to narrate books and film footage because of this. I’ve primarily worked, however, in comedy! I love to utilize my range to play character and creature roles and am always up for playing a voice type other than my natural sound... Check out my CREDITS BELOW for more samples!

- My timezone ...
Versatile voice artist, music composer, and creative consultant.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
Arkansas born, Los Angeles based
A passionate and dedicated actress with five years of community theater, training in acting on camera, and a love for all things acting!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
For more information about me, here’s my website!
Setup: blue yeti
I am a Chicago-based Actress and Singer entering the world of Voice Acting. Find me at
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Siobhan McNulty (she/her) is a Chicago-based Opera Singer, Musical Theatre Performer and Voice Actress.
Speaks: english
Amateur voice actor, I plan to do this professionally though. College student. Part time employee in fast food. Love you!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Live Actor
I know I'm already shooting myself in the foot here by saying this but I won't voice act sex scenes and I prefer to avoid language, but I'm willing to do that, if the project requires. 
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hi I'm Clockworksum; or just 'Sum' for short, and I'm just a casual 3D Animator, Artist and many many more, living in a competitive industry. While I don't voice act often, I do sing and construct A LOT of worlds. Look out for what I post if you want join one of my many handmade universes!
Setup: audacity
Search all 8022 live actor lisps profiles