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Just a nerd who does weird voices
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Hi there! I am an aspiring voice actor. I am about to graduate with a BA in theatre. Other talents include puppeteering as well as drawing and graphic design. 
I edit my audio primarily using Reaper. I have experience with sound editing, production, and design.
I made this account back in high school, finally going back to it as an adult to try and find some work and get my career rolling.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: reaper
Hello, I am a Latin Spanish dubbing actor who records remotely from home and and i professional recording equipment that allows me to deliver the best possible quality of audio.I really like dubbing and I am also a digital artist and sound designer :)
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Audio Engineer
Here is my (Spanish) voice demo:
Speaks: spanish
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello! I’m Cora N Harris, an actress from Maryland. The National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts is where I was trained and experienced stage, film, immersive theatre, filmmaking, writing, voiceover, video editing, and sound editing. I appeared in The Crucible/John Proctor; Medea/title character; Dr. Arlecchino, and the Imaginary Autopsy/Columbina and Isabella; The Taming of the Shrew/Petruchio; Theatre In A Nutshell-Best Thing Since Cheesesteak (grouped one-acts)/Mrs. Sorken, Susan, Sharon and Medea; Funny/Young Woman; Memory Lane/Isleen; and Unfit for Broadcast/Wilma Dickerson.I graduated the Two-Year Degree Program and currently a teammate of 2020’s Actors Repertory Theatre ensemble, the 3 year advance program! I have great appreciation for my teachers and ensemble for being patient and being my biggest motivation.I am also interested in music - singing and dancing, I've published a ...
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Speaks: english
Accents: british irish
Voice Description: female teen
Skills and Interests: amateur voice acting
Voice-actress with experience in acting, and audio production / engineering.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Audio Engineer
An actress, trained audio engineer, and artist, Abbie has worked on projects ranging from video game and airing commerical VO, to indie game sound production. She prides herself on fast turnaround for her clients spread out across the United States, and has a professionally outfitted studio to match that goal. Abbie is a voice actress and studio technician currently pursing concept art, vocal performance, and audio engineering (digital art & design entertainment).
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
adventure Academy Soviet Union is open @RousyTheRainwing @DaVickster1078 @starespeonyt  
Voice Description: child male child
Skills and Interests: northamptonshire
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Howdy! I'm Cybus, a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer with a passion for the Arts, Science (both fact and fiction), and Video Games. I'm finally pulling my weight to get the ball rolling with my dreams, and while I'm new, I've got the passion, the drive, and the equipment, so things can only go up from here!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, and Live Actor
(French version)Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon profil !
Je m'appelle Loan (de mon petit pseudo "Lewoan"), j'ai 20 ans et je suis ravi.e de vous voir.
Ici vous pourrez trouver tout ce qui me concerne en terme de matériel et de ce que je suis capable de faire.
Pour me présenter en quelque mot, je suis un.e passionné.e pour tout ce qui concerne l'audiovisuel, le doublage, la musique, les sons, TOUT ! J'ai fait 6 années de chorale (bientôt 7) (style de musique varié), j'ai fait 2 ans de théâtre, et 2 ans de doublage avec mes ami.e.s. Je tente donc ma chance aujourd'hui de vous proposer ma voix pour vos projets.Je fais également du dessin, de la musique assistée par ordinateur, et un peu de montage vidéo + audio en autodidacte.
Donc pour résumer, je reste encore très amateur.trice, mais je suis très motivé.e et déterminé.e à m'améliorer et à donner le meilleur dans de futures aud...
Voice Description: male young adult nonbinary
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