TF2 SFM - Jarate Master Origins
Dark Magic287 for Sniper
This does not have to be a direct impression. If you can pull off a good original voice, I'd prefer that over an awkwardly done impression, but if you can do a good impression, that is also accepted.
You're makin' this so easy, I'm actually gettin' worse.
I'm not done yet, mate, not by a long shot.
Now I gotta make a necklace outta your teeth. Bushman's rules.

Good voices, but when there's a line that you have to yell, try to yell it instead of whispering. You may also be too close to your mic as I can hear your breath hitting it. Feel free to send me an email or DM me on Discord YoyoMann#5079 with a re-audition keeping these comments in mind. Thanks!

Thank you, Which line? And I was using a Blue yeti Nano. ^^; it's a powerful Mic. ^^;