The SandWitch (Voice Actors needed)
Jenna Birmingham for Chef Thornwood --The SandWitch
Chef is a no-nonsense witch and is owner of the SandWitch sandwich shop. She seems stern when things are to be done, but at the end of the day, she has a softer spot for Sandy. She is in her 30s and has a range of stern and a bit of a mentor..
"Clean up out front while I go out back."
"Hey, Kiddo. Ready to go home?"
"This place looks IMMACULATE. What's your secret?"

Just a heads up its only audible in 1 ear, I don't think it'll effect your chances but thought I'd let you know! O:

I record auditions for CCC in mono most of the time for my own protection. 99% of the time people on here dont have the software to correct it and won't/can't use it without my permission or compensation. I appreciate the heads up. Also, if you listen on speakers you should be able to hear it fine. Thank you for noticing and for your consideration.

Sure thing! ^^ Good luck to you!!!