Fire Emblem Cipher Crits: The Binding Blade - Part I
HorseHogan for Wolt
Roy’s milk brother, having grown up together from childhood while also being of the same age, he shares a close fraternal friendship with him. While not very socially bright, Wolt is a loyal servant of House Pherae, determined to serve and protect Roy at all costs. He is shown to be willing to try new things, such as wielding a sword or shooting from horseback should it improve his combat abilities. He is determined and constantly striving to improve himself and further his training by learning from others. (wannabe president of the Roy fanclub... watch out, Lilina)
Voice: Medium to high | Eager, studious, youthful
“Master Roy! Watch this!”
“I WOLT miss!”
“This is what I’ve trained for!”“I aim to protect!”
hit or miss, i guess they never miss, huh? you got a royfriend- i bet he doesn't kiss ya!
that was terrible, Sam. I hope you're happy