Dubs From the Valley || EMERGENCY RECASTS
epic_new_moon for Emily

Emily is a villager who lives in Pelican Town. She is one of the twelve characters available to marry. Her home is south of the town square, right next to Jodi's, at the address 2 Willow Lane. She works most evenings at The Stardrop Saloon starting at about 4:00 PM. Emily loves to make her own clothing, but fabric can be difficult to come by in town. Among her favorite gifts are cloth and wool.
Emily lives with her sister Haley, and together they care for their parents' home, who have been travelling the world for the past two years. She works with Gus, who employs her part-time at the saloon. She is also friends with Sandy, whom they both mention. Sandy, at her first meeting with the player, claims to have been aware of the farmer's presence even before access to The Calico Desert was opened, saying that she had written to Emily about the newcomer.
Several dialogues and cutscenes reveal that Clint has romantic interest in Emily, though he is too shy to tell her.
Source - Stardew Valley Wiki
[This is when Emily meets the player]
Ooh! I can read it on your face. You're going to love it here in Pelican Town. If you're ever looking for something to do in the evening, stop by the saloon. That's where I work!
[This is from her Two-Heart Event]
That reminded me of something. Even the tiniest, blandest and simplest light holds a wonderful secret.
Nowwwwww I know why your here. It's a sign! [laughter]
[This is when Emily is married to the player]
Our bodies are naturally in tune with the seasons. This light and color of fall compels us to prepare for the barren winter. To our distant ancestors, this feeling was encompassing and vital. For us, it only barely peeks through the noise of modern life.

Congrats Epic!! <3

Thanks XDDD <3
