Dubs From the Valley || EMERGENCY RECASTS
Taleseni for Clint

Clint is a villager who lives in Pelican Town. He owns and runs the local Blacksmith.
Clint often visits the saloon in order to socialize with Emily, who he has a crush on but is nervous to approach. A dialogue with Gus indicates that he suspects Clint's crush but has decided to not ask him about it. A note found in Clint's bedroom confirms his feelings.
Source - Stardew Valley Wiki
[I AM SO SORRY THAT THERE WAS A MISTAKE ON THIS LINE. I'm not going to be changing it however because I don't want to be unfair on those who have already auditioned.]
It's nicer to work outdoors than by a hot furnace all day. I'm only a blacksmith because my father pushed me into it.
[This is during his Two-Heart Event]
Yes! Er... I mean, I'll have the Big n' Cheesy. With extra sauce, please. Er... [ahem] Th-Thanks, Emily. For... taking my order. Um, Emily? I was [gulp]... I was wondering...