Violet Evergarden: Another Perspective FanDub
Amazingness for Erica Brown
Erica is a quiet girl who is usually seen in the backgrounds. She isn't confident in her own work as an Auto Memories Doll and is easily swayed by other opinions and takes criticism on her work seriously and to the heart. She also always worries inwardly over her exchanges with her clients and has no confidence in her job. This has led to her timid personality and low self-confidence. However, it is evident that Erica is a strong-willed, very thoughtful and kind girl who will firmly stand to her own opinions.
Erica was motivated into becoming an Auto-Memories Doll due to a certain novelist’s influence, which made her wish she could write texts that resonated with people’s hearts.
*curious and slighty mean to Violet* I was also... You're not suited for it. Why do you want to do this job in the first place? *Violet tells you why* Is that all?
I don't... I don't think we should make quit. She... Violet... is very accurate and fast when she types, and she can do tasks like making membership lists and writing addresses. Once she learns more... I think she'll be able to write letters. So please. Don't make her quit.
*monologue* I'm the one who isn't suited to be an Auto Memory Doll. That's why I got so serious about defending her. Meeting her made me remember my dream, that I had almost forgotten. My feelings which were buried away. Just like my heart was moved by the novels written by Orlando's wife. Someday... I want to write beautiful letters that can move peoples' hearts, too.
Accent: Normal american i suppose Accent 2: British