Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Abridged
NuclearMotion for Van Hohenheim

Van Hohenheim (ヴァン・ホーエンハイム, Van Hōenhaimu) is a deceptively ancient and extremely powerful Alchemist as well as the estranged father of Edward and Alphonse Elric. Despite disappearing suddenly during their infancy, Hohenheim returns during the course of the series in order to right the wrongs of his mysterious past.
"Still a arrogant little shit I see."
"I literally have over a thousand people living inside me. I can't even take a god damn piss by myself!
I'm just passing through the ole yonder!"
BuccaneerCaptain Buccaneer (バッカニア) was an Amestrian State Military Officer stationed at Fort Briggs and a close subordinate of Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong.
Captain Buccaneer (バッカニア) was an Amestrian State Military Officer stationed at Fort Briggs and a close subordinate of Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong.