Nyan Neko Sugar Girls Season 2 (NNSG: Mayonaka)
JudgementTimeSPD for Hitoshi-San

Voice Actor
I was just walking when I saw you two lovely ladies.... Walking... How are you doing, kawaii neko girls?
Koneko-Chan, how did you find me?
It's all my fault, Koneko-Chan. It's my fault Raku-Chan's dead

Ummmm watashi lliking ur auditong ^_^ but some1 lse giving 100% close imprexion of Hitshi.... Wud anata wanting b interesting to try role of Mysterious Man? Arigato ^o^

Yeah, I'd be down. Considering the fact that he and Hitoshi-san sound literally the same iirc, it would work. Thank you!
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