Team Buddy Returns (Pokemon Youtube Video) (All roles up!)
Gina Moravec for Mother
This character is the mother of the "player" from a parallel universe. Much like Dulse, Zossie, and Soliera, she's a member of the Ultra Recon Squad and assists in the capture and safety of Ultra Beasts terrorizing other worlds.
Voice wise she's a mom through and through. She's very kind and caring, although she is very logical and realizes she has a very important job to do. I'm looking for a voice that's a blend of nice and warm, with a little bit of "robotic" inflection at times.
"Hello dear! I hope finding the Ultra Command Center wasn't too confusing?"
"Just remember to have fun and not get too hurt when battling giant, otherworldly monsters!"
(Optional) *Improv something you think Ultra Mom would say*
You really are just the perfect mom voice actor. xD Congrats!