My name is Emaline, and I like talking to myself in small rooms.
I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada, currently living in Northern Arizona, with ample bits of my childhood spent in Guildford, Surrey. Neither my American accent nor my English one is particularly convincing.
Once upon a time, I did professionalish VOs with a small company in Arizona. It was boring and terrible and largely involved recordings telling people how important their call was to monolithic companies who hate everyone. I abandoned that work because it was boring and terrible. Then I built a home studio, and found VO work was neither boring nor terrible provided you weren't doing it for assholes.
Fallout is my first love. Offer me something Fallout, and I’ll embarrass myself by agreeing to it faster than a sneeze through a screen door.
I've also a special place in my heart for Lovecraftian Mythos, horror of all sorts, generalized Welcome to Nightvale weirdness, and villains. Basically, the more scenery chewing involved, the happier I am.