Lego Batman Series
AndrewRodriguezLovesDucks for Clayface
A.K.A Basil Karlo. You'll need to do all the three lines with two takes. One with your normal voice, which will be Basil Karlo's voice and a monster voice that will be Clayface's voice.
It wasn't always like this. Back before I was Clayface. Back when I was Basil Karlo, I was on my way to the top. Red carpet movie premieres, million-dollar mansions, fast cars, beautiful women. And that was just the start. I had big plans. I had ambition. I also had a temper. When people pissed me off, when people insulted me, people got hurt. That ain't ever changed. I don't figure it's ever gonna. My entire career went down the drain after I hit that director. They took my life away, so I became Clayface to get revenge. Still had the big plans. Still had the ambition. And more than anything else - I still had that temper
I won't be ignored anymore! I won't be contained! You'll all learn! All of you! You'll learn how special I am! And you'll be sorry.
Alrighty! now, let's roll the credits, shall we? And the man playing the Batman is... Ah! Bruce Wayne.
Loved it!
Thank You!!!!!!!
Your "monster voice" sounds like you are running out of breath (and doesn't sound very different from the normal voice). Also, 90% of your audition is peaked. You should looking into lowering your mic input level to avoid this.