The Shadow S3E5 - The Shadow's Revenge! (Radio Recreation)
Ethanr1222 for Al Rocco

Sentenced to life by Lamont Cranston, El Rocco swore that he would break out of prison and take revenge on Cranston. Now escaped with Ed Reegan, he has a plan to get Cranston... With the help of Margot Lane...
Voice: Medium/Low
That’s right, Annie. I swore I’d pay him for that one-way ticket to the big house. You wouldn’t want me to renay on a dept, would you?
No Cooper’s gonna get me, Annie. I had a long time to think about it. [Angary] Five long years in a cheese box. All I could think of was catching with Cranston, five long years! [Pause] I ain’t passin’ up the chance now…
That’s what you think. This guy Cranston pulls plenty of wait with the cops. Eh? They all know he’s a body of Commissioner Weston, don’t they?
When I get in the clear Annie, I tattoo my initials on Cranston with a forty-five.
Well, well. If it ain’t my old friend Lamont Cranston. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again pal.
So, you know of me, eh? Good. We’ve got a… mutual friends, Ms. Lane. I’m going to use you to... stage a reunion.
See, a guard at the prison died this morning Ms. Lane. I’ve got nothing to lose. They can only hang me once! [Pause] Well?
[Yells] Quickly Reegan! He won’t be a problem if we get him!

Could you audtion again but without the Russian Accent?

Yeah I can. I was going off of what it said. When I did the audition it said Russian Accent. Lol