The Shadow S3E5 - The Shadow's Revenge! (Radio Recreation)
nickinolegz for Mr. Poindexter

Mr. Poindexter is Lamont Cranston's Underworld informant. When Lamont needs information reguarding a criminal, Poindexter is the man for the job.
His lines begin at 19:44 - 21:07
Voice Range: Meduim/High
Ah… Mr. Cranston. Alone today? The fair Ms. Lane is not with you?
Oh…. Very disappointing, Mr. Cranston. Very disappointing.
She dropped out of sight five years ago, Mr. Cranston. Lives a very good life. Not a thing on her.
[Clears throat] May I know what you want with her, Mr. Cranston? Hate to bother a girl who’s gone straight you know.
[Stutters] Rocco? Reegan? [Dodgy, Quickly] Well, good day Mr. Cranston. My regards to the charming Ms. Lane.
[Stutters] B-B-B-B-But…. Rocco is a killer. Besides, what makes you think this girl is going to lead you to him?
[Worried] But, Rocco…. You sure you wouldn’t like to know about somebody else? Gunner boy, Mr. Cranston?
[Clears throat] Her name’s Annie de la Tour now. Sweet girl, very sweet girl.
Annie? Annie, has an apartment on University Place. Third house from the corner, top floor, a dozen exits, over the roof, and away like that.
Oh…. Haven’t thought of it. Oh…. No no no no…. Can’t be. Too small. Besides, Annie must have a place outside of town. Spends weekends in someplace. Never in town.
Splendid, Mr. Cranston. Splendid. Uh…. By the way, if you do happen to see El Rocco, be sure not to give him my regards.