The Shadow S3E5 - The Shadow's Revenge! (Radio Recreation)
Sharon Grünwald for Annie de la Tour

Annie is El Rocco's Girl with an attitude . She left the car for Rocco and Reegan to escape in and found a place for them to lye low.
Voice Range: Meduim/High
Inside, quick. [Quick] I didn’t think you’d make it, Rocco. You two are really hot, come on, I got come clothes for you in th car- [Rocco grabs her]
[Annoyed] Cut it out Rocco, you ain’t got time to doodle around. You gotta get moving. I can meet you out of town someplace.
[Shocked] What?
Business- [Annoyed] Not that guy “Cranston” you’re always talking about?
Okay, so you recognize me. But that was five years ago and I’ve gone straight. [Annoyed] You cops have-
What… What are you doing then? Auditioning a quiz show? Who are you anyhow?
No. I gave up reading the funny papers when I found out orphan Annie was merely a midget.
[Annoyed] Look, I don’t know how you found me after all these years but, it won’t do you any good. I don’t know anything!
You sick that homely pany of yours any closer and I’ll carve my life history on it, dream boy. You scare me about as much as-
*Struggling Noises for 10 seconds*