Danganronpa re:START
epic_new_moon for Namika Eiga

Namika Eiga (Nah-mee-kuh Ay-guh), the Ultimate Director.
Personality: Namika is very kind and loyal to friends. She likes talking to nice people, but is quiet and shy at first. Once you get her to open up (with some work), though, she becomes more happy and determined. She is also, however, a little self-deprecating and shy. She gets emotional very easily. Another big part about her is that she only ever speaks in contractions.
Voice: Her tone should be high and meek, almost like Sonia, but maybe not quite that high. She is a shy and scared person at first, but she will get more open and determined, so any way you can portray that well should be just fine!
Important: She NEVER uses contractions. Please don’t fix the drawn out way of saying things like can’t (cannot) or don’t (do not), etcetera.
[timidly but sweetly] "A-Ah... my name is Namika Eiga. I-I am the Ultimate Director... it is very nice to meet you. I hope we can get along."
[petrified] "A... A killing game? N-No... what kind of... w-who just asks us to... to... to k-*kill* our friends like that...? D-Do you really expect us... to just...?"
[sobbing] "N...No! They really... they really are dead, are they not? I... I cannot believe that someone actually... there is no way...!"