Dubs From the Valley || EMERGENCY RECASTS
Leo Keserovic for George

George Mullner is a villager who lives in Pelican Town.
George is married to Evelyn and lives with his grandson, Alex. Alex's deceased mother Clara was his daughter.
Source - Stardew Valley Wiki
[This is when George first meets the player]
Hmmph... It's irritating to have to meet all these new people, huh? Name's George, by the way. Now buzz off... Hmmph.
My grand-pap was a farmer. It's a respectable profession. If I wasn't so darned old I'd come to your farm and show you a thing or two...
[This is during his Six-Heart Event]
[sigh] It happened 30 years ago. I was working in the coal mines. We were near the end of our shift, but there was one last seam that needed to be broken up. I went in there aiming to set off a stick of dynamite, but my foot got stuck into a crack and I dropped it. The dynamite exploded on impact.