Overwatch VA group
EdgeLordVA for Tracer
Ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
What did I get?! What did I get?!
Enemies coming right for us!
The world could always use more heroes.
You don't understand Genji, I could have saved him. Maybe the world would have been better off if it had been me instead of him
While I'm truly touched by your offer *sarcastic laugh* I think I'll have to pass.
Improvise, give more voice lines, etc.
I am by no means a decision maker, but I feel like you have the personality super spot on here. I also like the tone and feel of your voice. but the accent is off /slightly/ which you can work on. I hope you get the part.
Thank you for your feedback! Out of curiosity how do you feel my accent is off?
Your accent is a bit more cockney than the OG tracer? I wish it was just a bit more... I don't really wanna say posh, but more enunciated? And mind you that is a serious nit-pick. I really think this is a strong read, and you should be damn proud.
I'm glad you like it and thank you for the constructive criticism! I'll be sure to take it on board next time! (sorry for the late response)