Life of Lash - Audio Drama Series (Season 2)
Jonathon_voice for Dark Elf Witch Follower #1

The followers to the Dark Elf Witch each speak a line, one directly after the other in tandem, as if finishing the thoughts of their leader after she says something.
Please keep in mind that, though the characters are female, anyone can audition for them since it will likely require you to do a ‘character voice’ that I will probably modify with effects. The original voice ideas were to have them speak a variation of some kind of creepy, whispering or hissing style, but anything that embodies a strange and unsettling tone for their dialogue is totally welcome. While I can apply a decent amount of voice effects and modification to your performance, the more you lend to it naturally the better! I have the lines of “Follower #4” already, so if you’d like to hear how that voice actor portrayed their character, let me know and I can totally send you a sample. If cast, the hope is to have all her lines recorded and submitted by mid-December so I can start editing the episodes together and get it to the soundtrack composer.
The followers will be in the Season 2 premiere episode, as well as the Season 3 premiere. Random fighting sounds and reactions might be needed from them for the Season 2 finale as well, but no obligation as the actors for “Followers #3 and #4” could actually fill the parts for those.
(please note the associated image is just a visual example and was not done for this specifically, this is a piece by shaydh)
“They are noble.”
“So humble.”
“Too smart to trick.”