SEA of Souls (Soul Eater Abridged)
Safe-By-Voice for Soul "Eater" Evans
Soul Evans, nicknamed Soul Eater, is a demon Sythe and the partner of Maka Albarn, and the main male protagonist. His weapon form has a red-and-black blade and an eye near its heel which expresses his emotions. He has a laid-back and nonchalant personality and tries to maintain a "cool" attitude, but often ends up embarrassing himself instead. He tends to bicker with Maka over unimportant things from time to time, but is fiercely loyal to her and has more than once displayed his will to die for his friends' safety. After he is slashed in the chest by Ragnarok and infected with the Demon Sword's blood, he fights to resist the madness-inducing effects of the blood, which is portrayed by the little demon who appears within his subconscious. You don't need to sound like the official voice actor
Mm...pumpkin pie. I’ll go find some! Aaaaaahhhhhh!
I mean look at him! He’s just so gross!
No wonder he’s called jack the Whaler!
Yeah sorry but she can offer me Pumpkin pie and she’s got bigger boobs than you. Also Pumpkin pie! Do You realize how much I crave that shit! Bet you don’t!