Soul Eater: Manga Fandub! [CLOSED]
youvsmatt for Death the Kid
Approx. 15-16 years old.
Definitely one of the most intelligent characters in the series. He is neurotic, but that doesn't define him as a whole. He's smart. Very precise in the way he talks.
He is a meister, and the son of the principal of the DWMA. His weapons, Patty and Liz Thompson balance out his obsessive compulsive tendencies with their laid-back attitudes.
I'm going to keep fighting until this world is the way it should be. Until the world is balanced.
I do not deny evil, nor do I believe that any human is completely free of malice. Everything must be in balance. As long as evil & good maintain an equilibrium in this world there is no problem. Perfect balance is the key to everything.
[[During one of his episodes. Disgusted, angry.]] You're disgustingly hideous! What the hell kind of thing are you? I've never seen anything more messed up in my life! Do you know nothing about symmetry? Whoever made you should be dug up from his grave, shot, & reburied! You make me violently ill
GOD you sound juuuust like Todd I'm dying. I'll keep my eye on this one.
Holy Shit! This spot on!
Add me on skype @discogiraffe!!