Fallout 4: New Vegas
DocBennett for Benny

A smooth-talking casino boss based on golden-era Vegas mobsters. A hip and cool front hides the razor-sharp attitude of a dangerous former gang member whose calm and collected front can falter when faced with the unexpected. Speaks with a cool and smooth manner when in control of a situation, but is prone to slipping into his old more 'normal' spoken mannerisms when he isn't.
The ideal actor for this role should be a male that sounds to be in their mid 30's, with a middling tone of voice. A Matthew Perry impression is not required. Original performance for reference: https://youtu.be/BxOiVxTB0KY?t=3m52s
Time to cash out. Maybe Khans kill people without looking 'em in the face. But I ain't a fink, dig?
You've made your last delivery, kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene.
From where you're kneeling must seem like an eighteen-karat run of bad luck. Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.