Halo: Tales from Reach (An Audio-Drama Series)
Riel for Sára Sorvad
Sára Sorvad was the daughter of the Xenoarcheologist, Laszlo Sorvad. She lived on Reach with her father and was with him at the Visgrad Relay when it was ambushed by the Covenant. She stayed with him after discovering his body, until Noble Team rescued her, only to be captured by the Covenant shortly after, never to be seen again.
Sára also spoke Hungarian, though it is not REQUIRED, you MUST at least speak in a Hungarian accent.
Father, let me come with you! You shouldn't go alone!
*scared* Father..? Father?... Wh-where are you?
*Jorge: Am nevem Jorge. What's your name?*
*Jorge: Sára? Your accent sounds familiar.... friend?*
*Jorge: I'm sorry."
"Why should you be?"
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