Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War Fandub- Prologue
MikeyGaz for Sigurd
Sigurd is the main character and protagonist of generation one. He is the prince of Chalphy. He is a knight lord and is a decedent of Baldur, one of the twelve crusaders. He is honored by his army and everyone he aids.
For more details about Sigurd, visit:
As for his voice, please choose a voice that you think will fit him!
I can barely imagine what you've been through, Shanan. For now, though, you're welcome to stay with our army.
(This is the first time Sigurd sees his father in a long time, need lots of emotion here)
It can't be... F- Father?!
Thank the Gods!
You're alive!
(This is when Sigurd realizes he and some of his army is about to die. Arvis has betrayed him. Need lots of emotion for this line)