DC COMICS' GRAYSON - Machinima Adaptation
IzziVoices for Agent 1, The Tiger King of Kandahar

Tiger is Spyral's top agent. He was born in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and lived in war-torn streets for most of his early life. Tiger is a skilled fighter, marksman, and spy. He respects his fellow agents of Spyral, except for Dick Grayson, whom he has very limited patience for.
One thing I need to make clear is the accent. I know not everyone interested will have a middle-eastern accent, but please make sure your accent is not an offensive, over-exaggerated one. Perhaps watch some videos of English-speaking Arabs to make sure you are not accidentally mocking anyone.
How many times did I tell you I would kill you? Twenty? Thirty? (Brooding) Its time I make good on that promise.
Dick Grayson, you're an idiot.
My partner is weak.... I am not! I am the Tiger King of Kandahar, and I will see you as you truly are! I will kill you as you truly are!


Thanks a bunch

You're welcome a ton