Fallen Angels Original Roleplay Series
Ethanr1222 for Toga The Sin of Envy
Toga is an angel that was sent down to earth to watch over karma... but Toga had different plans...
Toga was actually a part of a demon group called "The Seven Deadly Sins"
Ever since karma's best friend "Isla" left the demon group because she betrayed the group... an angel helped her and was actually karma's mother... And then when toga met karma... things didn't go well... so toga took Isla's place... And was jealous because of all the power she had... And that's how Toga is The Sin Of Envy!
But what toga didn't know was... the real leader isn't karma's little brother... the real leader is actually karma! And karma's little brother Zane... was only a substitute...
I am Toga! The Sin Of Envy! I shall take him away!
Oh... you guys are such fools...