TDPKs_Voice for Music Composer
I definitely need help with music and am willing to pay up front if need be per musical piece designed. I can't afford to pay much at this time but profit will be down the line and ongoing work as well if desired.
Say something you think would fit
thank you! I Will look it over today or tomorrow! excited to see what you do and no worries. We're all trying to get experience here!
Would you like to compose for Patience's Tale? Help us get this off the ground with some musical direction? I really like your music and the fact you can do classical is awesome. Really liked your example music. If I give you a tune, I'm sure you can whip something up. At this stage pay is something for the future but you will get paid (everyone will) based on their role. :-) If you would like to become a part of this creative team, let me know.
I would absolutely love to!