Have been voice acting for a number of years now, mostly voicing roles in gaming mods here and there. Took a break for a few years due to outside complication. Big Horror fan, movies, books, or games.
I love acting and love to voice act even more. While acting in college I found that I mostly was cast in villain roles, while voicing someone allows me to be cast in a bunch of different roles.
Before casting club I used my sound cloud to deliver voice files to people who I was working with. ( https://soundcloud.com/20jay/sets).
I have worked on the following Mods for New Vegas and Skyrim:
Boom to the Moon
Abraham Drinkin
Anatomy for a Disaster (Now no longer available)
Morgan Town
The Repcon Blues
Salt Lake Stories (Where I was personally thanks for my work on the website page)
Here there be Monsters - Sign of Cipactli
I have also done an interview about voice acting for mods found here.
I am always looking for new projects to do, as I love taking on new roles and challenging myself.