Beyond the Vault
Ethanr1222 for Ryan Larson (AR59-82)
Ryan has a medium-low to medium voice. He's strong, both physically and mentally, but he tends to let his emotions take over. He's very hot-headed and quick-tempered and will not hesitate to talk back, no matter who you are.
(annoyed) But it's almost time for dinner, and the rations today are stew. It's my favourite.
(hiss in pain) Hey! Watch it, asshat!
(playful and snarky) Sorry, what? Couldn't hear you over your massive ego.

Congrats on being cast as Ryan Larson! Please contact me by the 20th of Sept., or I will have to cast your role to someone else. My contact info is as follows: Discord: Daddi#5284 Email: Skype: ciel.phantomive3 Again, you have until the 20th of this month to contact me and confirm your role as a Ryan Larson.

I will add you on discord. Thank you for casting me!