Grey Feather - Angel/Demon Based Visual Novel - Second Call
Ethanr1222 for Doctor Avery

Doctor Avery is old and bitter, but not incapable of happiness. Usually he's rather gruff and unwilling to get close to people since the death of his son, Daniel. He finds it hard to work out the right thing to say, and can be a morally grey character depending on the choices made by the player.
Since he's the main character, he does go through a wide range of emotions. The voice I'm looking for is rough, but not enough to be grating since (as the main character) he has the most lines.
(Note: Actors auditioning for this role must be comfortable discussing suicide/suicidal urges)
(Dismissive) Honestly... There's nothing for it. Let them have their superstitions. I have more important things to worry about.
(Pained, breathing heavily) Oh goodness... that... just gets harder every time...
(Confused, flustered) Angels?! I mean- that's- Of course I have questions about that but- but right now I j-just- you- you're here, you're real, it's really you...!