Don't Make Deals with Demons (Audio Drama)
Ethanr1222 for Edmond Wilkinson

Edmond Wilkinson is one of the main protagonists for Don't Make Deals with Demons. He's a man eager to move on to a better life and works hard to earn that. He's been working at a manufactory for quite some time now and is almost ready to leave and also propose to the love of his life, Bridget. He does his best to keep a positive attitude but he does have his bad days and frustration can get to him. Not to mention when cornered he does tend to freeze up and panic. High stress and him are not a good combination, especially if he doesn't know what to do. But overall, Edmond is a gentlemen and does his best to be kind to others and is more or less laid back when he's not stressed out.
I'd like a voice that's confident when they are in a situation they're comfortable with but when put into unknown territory they get shaky and nervous.
Bridget’s my world along with my love of building I just… want to be able to provide for her and be the husband she would want. Some… broke manufactory lackey is not something a woman of her class would want.
Just another month then I’m out of this manufactory.
I don’t know. Chop me into bits and sell my parts on the black market?