JustBlank for Jeremey Morrison
Jeremey Morrison is Roy's personal AI Unit. He's modeled after a fourteen-year-old with absolutely no couth or manners, but can still be someone's best friend if he tries hard enough. Extremely smart, and extremely to the point. Jeremey is in 6 out of 20 chapters.
"Stop biting your nails. It makes you look weak, Roy. As if you already weren't kinda weak to begin with though..."
"Because of the power outage, my file screen is randomized and there are folders here that I haven't seen before. Wait a minute... Lucas... what's this?"
Rest of the lines will be sent via either email or discord.
I really do like your voice for this character! Since Jeremey is a small role in comparison, I would also wonder if you’d like to read for David, please? His role is larger and I think you’d fit it too!
Sure! I'll give him a try!
I am thinking of casting you for Jeremey. He's a minor role, truth be told, forty-two lines spread out across five or six scenes, but I won't do anything unless you are okay with it, else you can audition for other characters. Thank you again!