Project Blink
Ethanr1222 for Travis Scott Winslow
Within the auditions, the more emotive the better. We are looking for a very convincing voice that you can read the struggle and overall emotions he experiences.
Travis is a vital lead in this story due to his romantic interest with fellow lead April voiced by myself. Travis is an emotionally struggling man who knows he isn't right for the woman he ends up with however pushes on with a smile. This character, to me, has always been the most interesting to develop because of his backstory.
Travis is a young adult with a broken but enthusiastic tone to everything he brings his wife. It is expected for this character, in particular, to scream and cry a lot, so please be aware.
(Happy and or excited)
I didn't expect to see you here! How unbelievable is that huh?(Sad and solemn)
Oh, I-I see, I will.. Respectfully leave now..(Angry and annoyed)
Back off. That's not a threat Vylad, it's a warning!