The Shadow S3E3 - Murder before the Storm! (Radio Recreation)
Ethanr1222 for Greg Tyler

Greg Tyler is the manager of the resort hotel "Seacliff Inn". He is a thin gentlemen who desires to own the hotel, but cannot due to it being owned by Andy Walton. Greg Tyler is also the Antagonist of this story.
Voice Range - Medium/High
(Comes on, soothingly) Right here, sir. Sorry, sir.
The cliff path to the village has always been dangerous during storms, sir. Guests have been warned, but there are always fools and showoffs who ignore all warnings.
(On mike, calls sharply) Rita!
No guests are left to wait on. No tips! Why not?
You’ll be sorry you said that . . . next season.
(Menacingly) You’ll tell him nothing, (Suddenly furious) you she-devil! You temptress! You . . . (Breaks off as . . . )
(Hesitates) Very well. If you wish. (Starts to go) I’ll register you and . . . (Breaks off as . . .
There she is! . . . holding a flashlight! (Calls) What is it, Rita?!
He knew Walton would never marry a clam digger’s niece, no matter how pretty you are!
(Quickly) I’ll tend to that. I’ll phone the state police at Dunehead as soon as we get back to the inn.
(In a panic) Don’t shoot! You’ll hit me! You can’t see him! . . . even in a lighted room! He isn’t real. . . . He isn’t really here. (Breaks completely) You’re crazy if you think you can really hear him! Listen to me, Zeb. Help me! I’ll confess everything . . . everything! (Sobs wildly)