The Shadow S3E3 - Murder before the Storm! (Radio Recreation)
laucollis for Rita Zeb

Rita Zeb is the niece of Captain Zeb, an acid-tongued old Sea Dog. Andy Walton hired Rita to work at the hotel as a waitress but is constantly being flirted upon by Greg Tyler on which she despises.
Voice Range - Medium/High
(Slightly off mike) What do you want, Mr. Tyler?
No guests are left to wait on. No tips! Why not?
Wait on them yourself. You don’t have anything else to do but hide behind that desk like a crab!
(Savagely on mike, and calls back as she goes) I don’t have to tell Andy Walton! I think he knows what’s going on! (Gasps) Oh! I’m sorry!
(Off mike, calls) Who’s that? Who’s out there?!
Durned fool. I warned him!
(Off mike, screams)
(On mike, gasps) Down there on the rocks! . . . Mr. Walton! . . . like the others!
(Sobs hysterically) He didn’t fall. I know he didn’t!
(Savagely) Mr. Walton was just a good friend! He was kind to me! Gave me a job. Never made passes like you! . . . you filthy crab!
(Sob in her voice) Poor Mr. Walton! Why did it have to happen to him? . . . Why? Why?
It’s only that Uncle Zeb hates “outlanders” – summer folks, and blames . . . I mean blamed Mr. Walton for their being here.
This is the first season. I’m of age. Uncle Zeb said it would be the last. (Chokes) With poor Mr. Walton dead, guess it will be.