Lost hope Minecraft Roleplay(Looking for VA's)
Victoria Stam for Elisabeth The lord of Arkaley

Voice Actor
Elisabeth The lord of Arkaley
Role assigned to:
Victoria Stam
Elisabeth is the lord of the village named arkaley. she is a caring young woman who puts her people before her pride. she spends a lot of time making sure the village is a safe home for the people of arkaley.
Elisabeth has a soft voice not high pitch but not really low either. she doesn't tend to get annoyed easily.
(concerned) "Elise, please calm down we need to figure this out!"
(upset) "please leave I want to be alone right now."
(Excited) "It's been so long since I've seen you guys seriously come on in."

wow this was an amazing job



I sent you a message asking for discord or skype i was wondering if you'd seen it and can i have your discord or skype?
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