UnOrdinary Voice Over (Set II)
SpectralHeart for Nadia
She is one person to really look out for. If you try to tell a lie, she can catch you in the act with her Lie Detector ability. She seems to be very strict when it comes to using her ability to cast judgement on an individual.
This is an official interrogation. You are expected to answer all questions with honesty. Any false response you provide will be detected, and will result in immediate expulsion from Wellston Private High School. Is that understood, Miss Seraphina?
And where did you get this book from?
*gugugu, SpectralHeart, and may your voice empowah Nadia! *thanks Akuchi and DEFINITELY-NOT-KNUCKLEHEADtori for your contribs as well! everyone guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......
Aaa thanks for all your support!!!!
*reflects Spectral's sentiments via magic mirror x300! 'hope to CONNECT with you and other kind Scattered Voice team members Discord-side! let us focus on positive aaaaaa instead of omega zzzz's of sleepiness! oh, not that sleepiness is bad though! MEANDERING-THOUGHTS-APOLOGY! alphabetical-mathematical-inspirational-reflective-thanks again!