Fire Emblem Cipher Crits: Sacred Stones - MAIN CHARACTERS
SlashleyVO for Riev

This character does not have critical lines, but will appear in the boss dialogue exchange with L’Arachel.
Once a revered priest of Rausten, he was cast out by Pontifex Mansel (L'Arachel's uncle) for heresy and worshiping the Demon King, Fomortiis. The fallen heretic priest would then become one of the strongest warriors in Grado, where he was appointed the role of General, nicknamed the "Blood Beryl" because of his control of monsters.
In this boss exchange, Riev faces the niece of Pontifex Mansel, who excommunicated him for worshipping the Demon King.
Voice: Any | Malicious, creepy, manipulative
Rausten = "raw-sten"
Mansel = "man-sell"
(vs. L’Arachel) “Heh heh heh. The young lady of Rausten… The more cruel and gruesome your death, the more that cur Mansel would weep, am I right? And that would make me so very, very happy.”