Fire Emblem Cipher Crits: Sacred Stones - MAIN CHARACTERS
OJJ for Lyon

Lyon has the most dialogue in this video because he will not only have his own critical lines but will also appear in Ephraim’s boss exchange.
Prince of Grado and a main antagonist of the game. Was once a gentle, kindhearted man who cared deeply for his friends and country. He greatly admires his close friends, Eirika and Ephraim, princess and prince of Renais respectively. Although he is of noble lineage, Lyon often thinks of himself as weak and undeserving of the title. His greatest ambition was to be a strong ruler to protect his empire but harbored feelings of uselessness fueled by his failing health, his one-sided feelings for Eirika, and his hidden jealousy of Ephraim.
When Lyon falls completely under the Demon King's control, he loses any semblance of courtesy and instead becomes menacing, dark and cruel.
Game footage: Lyon
Voice as Lyon: Medium | Gentle, courteous, remorseful
Voice when possessed: Medium, medium-low | Sinister, wrathful, taunting
FEH English Voice: Mark P. Whitten & Demon King Voice
(Any original interpretations are more than welcomed and preferred!)
Ephraim = "Eff-rum"
(Normal Lyon) "Eirika… I’ve only ever wanted one thing..."
(Possessed by demon king) "Foolish mortals… lament your fate!"(vs. Eirika, possessed by demon king) Heh heh..Wretched girl. Are you listening, Lyon. Is this truly the girl you loved? Then I will use these hands to tear her limb from limb!
(vs. Ephraim, Normal Lyon) "Tell me, Ephraim: do I look like I’ve grown stronger? The last time we dueled, I was too weak to test you. Why, I was so weak, I even lost to Eirika…"