Fire Emblem Cipher Crits: Sacred Stones - MAIN CHARACTERS
Copperheadcase for Ephraim

Prince of Renais and twin brother of Eirika. Ephraim is revered by his comrades as a brave leader. He is renowned for his battle prowess, gift for strategy, and unwavering determination. Ephraim is also shown to have a very straight-to-the-point attitude, and dislikes wasting time on anything that strays from whatever goal is at hand. His biggest flaw is his overconfidence. Though he picks and chooses battles he is sure to win, he will easily put his life on the line in order to secure a victory. He was once good friends with Prince Lyon of Grado.
Game footage: Ephraim
Voice: Medium, Medium-low | Confident, headstrong, valiant
FEH Japanese Voice: Yashiro Taku
(Any original interpretations are more than welcomed and preferred!)
"Let’s skip the pleasantries!"
"My lance is resolute!""May Magvel know peace once more!"
"One last battle, old friend..."(vs. Lyon) “…No, you haven’t. You’re still no match for me. You were never one for combat. It’s not in you. You should never have chosen this path.”

OHHH. OHHH I LOVE THIS. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Why thank you Ash!