Fire Emblem Cipher Crits: Sacred Stones - MAIN CHARACTERS
Copperheadcase for Joshua

A wandering swordsman with a fervor for gambling. Joshua is a very roguish, casual, and carefree person. He's also very cunning, enough so that he can cheat without getting noticed. Despite his jovial and carefree attitude, Joshua is very loyal, genuinely kind, caring, calm, and composed on the battlefield. In this boss battle Joshua returns to Jehanna to reunite with his mother, Queen Ismaire, only to find his traitorous mentor waiting at the throne.
Game footage: Joshua
Voice: Medium, medium-low | Laidback, crafty, casual
FEH English Voice: Todd Haberkorn
(Any original interpretations are more than welcomed and preferred!)
Jehanna = "jeh-hah-nah"
Carlyle = "car-lie-ill"
"Shall we flip a coin?"
"Jehanna is now mine to lead!""Fortune favors the bold!"
"It’s time I surpass you!"(vs. Carlyle) “Carlyle. How did this happen? You taught me how to wield a blade. You of all people…”