[Like, Chill Out!] Be More Chill Alternate Characters Cover Group
sunnysideup for OTOME

OTOME is an AI that operates through nanotech that goes to the brain when ingesting a Japanese Drug. S/he is a supporting character of Like, Chill Out.[Drawing Credit: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a3/42/2c/a3422c6d6f3a513f5accd5d56a5c6f3e.jpg ]
Sing any song sung by The Squip from Be More Chill.
Introduce yourself.

First of all omg your voice is adorable. Second of all I saw you auditioned for a Free! Project??? UM ARE YOU MY SOULMATE? I also have a Free Project fufufufu. Thirdly, your audition was adorable and so I made a character for you. The cutest smol, Serica Clyde, Sophie's smolest sister. She's super pure and her best friend is Seb's little sister Lillica who's a bit of a punk rock type of kid. I'm hoping they'll mirror the way their older sibling's relationship is like. If you would like to be Serica, please let me know so I can add you to the group. :3c

Thank you so much! (And yessssss fellow Free fan!) id love to join the group!